research and analysis to support exploration and expansion
Emporos is a Dubai registered consultancy that works with international clients to address risks and access opportunity within complex frontier markets. We provide focused forward research and comprehensive contextual analysis to support safe travel and exploration, engagement with stakeholders, in-country establishment and expansion of activities.
address risks and
access opportunity across frontiers
A cosmopolitan financial centre and gateway to the world, Dubai is providing a new generation of global entrepreneurs and investors with a strategic base for business and access to the dynamic growth markets in proximity. We serve the goals and objectives of freezone and other international clents seeking to trade, invest or expand operations across frontiers.
National / Regional Risk Assessment (POST)
- Political
- Operational
- Security
- Travel
Forward Research / Survey
Stakeholder Mapping
Safe Travel Advisory / Coordination
We are committed to ethical business practice. Our approach and methodology is based on ISO best practice standards and draws upon extensive experience supporting international programmes (IGO, NGO, Govt.) and commercial activities in complex environments throughout EMEA & Indo-Pacific regions.
Emporos Consulting is the international services section of Emporion Ventures FZCO (Dubai) 2022
Trade Licence 17953
Commercial Information Services
Cost Control & Risk Management Services
Investment in Commercial Enterprise & Management
Contact Us
Emporos Consulting is the international services section of Emporion Ventures FZCO (Dubai) 2022 - Trade Licence 17953